Local Scores

You can give your local political parties a score about their CO2 political programme and actions :

Being a democrat, it is most important to find out the political parties that best meet the essential requirements of  a CO2 solution.

The ranking was created on the basis criteria that were pushed forward in the website as essential : an absolute stop to the growth of the human population , the use of nuclear energy, the protection of the rainforests and of the forests of the temperate zones, disallowing government deficits ,minimizing government tasks, promoting discipline, promoting quality education,  promoting a CO2 optimal transport policy.

It is most important that the scores are given only for the purposes of the CO2 catastrophe.

The higher the ranking, the more the political party helps us to achieve a CO2 balance.

The scores were given based on the political party program, on the refusal to recognise the importance of the issue, on achievements joining goverment. Scores for CO2 only.

Scores : +6 /+ 3 =  this item is in the political party program and the party applies it as far as possible

0 = ? =    it is not clear that the political party supports or is an opponent 

-6 / -3 = the party takes an oppposite position / scores in practice over a long period very poorly / the party isn't interested in the item  / the party does not apply anything in practice

In my country, the self-declared Green party makes a very bad score : in their political program, they strive for mass immigration (totally opposite to the CO2 necessity of an absolute stop to the growth of the human population, score : - 6), they are opposed to nuclear energy (score : -6), they strive for huge deficits (score : -6), they strive for maximum government tasks and services (score : -6) and they strive for the absence of personal discipline (score : - 6)and the disappearance of quality in education (score - 6).

This extremely bad  score for the self-declared green parties doesn't surprise me : the self-declared green parties are in essence the result of extreme left oriented people, who hijacked the green idee in order to realise their social (?) and economic extreme left program : this hijacking of ideas is a traditional communist method in order to realise their extreme left program. The green parties are likewise very intolerant during discussions and in the press, another communist practice. Green is the cover up of an extreme red political programme.It is of the utmost importance that all modifications are placed on hold, except the modifications necessary for the overcoming of the CO2 catastrophe.