Absolute necessities

  1. There will no survival for whomever if the isolation of the tundra and of the related seabeds can not be completed : the release of the necessary funds (preferably unlimited) by the IMF and excellent international cooperation can bring a technical solution within 2 years.
  2. Secundary and above all, any solution will prove impossible, unless an absolute stabilisation or even dimunuation of the worldwide human population can be achieved. This means: 
    - an absolute stop of immigration (immigration stimulates the local number of children in the homeland, except for true climate refugees and the absolute ban on families with more than 2 children (preferable 1 child);
    - the limitation of 2 children per family (or even 1);
  3. The limitation of economic growth : both production and consumption equal co2 production. An economic standstill will at least be necessary; I am personally afraid that a -30 % worldwide will be necessary.
  4. The use of nuclear energy : the burning of fosiles for electricity should to be stopped at once.
  5. The use of electric cars or hydrogen cars : the engine of all existing cars should be transformed into electric motors or hydrogen motors.
  6. The heating of buildings and homes should be by electric installations : heating by fossil fuels or wood should be forbidden.
  7. The absolute stop of the destruction of the rain forests, the most efficient co2 consumers and of temperate forests and the recovery of a part of the gigantic destruction of the Amazon forest, an act of destruction of humanity.This implies the mandatory indication of the name of producing countries of coffee, palm oil and of other products of rain forests countries on coffee, palm oil and other products of rainforests countries : the consumer must have the ability to boycot criminal countries.
  8. Ending the diplomatic laissez-faire attitude towards fundamental acts of environmental crimes, which make the solution of the co2 problem even more impossible ( the destruction of the rain forests, the continuing increase of the living standard (people are endless greedy).
  9. The absolute stop of debt practice of public finances : debt means the actual consumption of future co2 needs of ones children : an act of the highest immorality.
  10. Mass planting of hardwood.
  11. The introduction of a CO2 budget per person.                                                                
  12. The introduction of a CO2 budget country-by-country : the distribution of the global CO2 (output) budget ( the global CO2 output budget = the CO2 output ( by humans + by nature) budget= the global CO2 input (by trees and oceans) budget . The stabilisation of the global temperature is the only indicator that the budget has ben respected. 
  13. The distribution of the local country budget between businesses and citizens is a political problem.                                                                                           
  14. Creating and respecting A worldwide CO2 COALITION , uniting all relevant organisations, who agree on a common programme, in order to be able to speak as one voice and in order to carry the necessary weight. This unique organisation must speak out about the most threatening issues ( the destruction of rainforests, the unrestricted use of plans travels, the continuing rise of standards of living,... ) and denote criminal countries.This organisation must explain the problem to the people in a more informed way, what is mostly forgotten by the actual actors. The current fragmentation  of organisations is inefficient, has too little impact and confuses the public.            
  15. Limiting the action to one and only goal :  reaching the worldwide CO2  balance. All others issues ( biodiversity, animal rights, ....   ) are only secundary, as they all are totally illusive, not reaching the worldwide CO2 balance.
  16.  Separate the wheat from the chaff : a lot of extreme left organisations use the ecological problems as a window dressing to realize their political extreme left agenda.The need however for a worldwide CO2 balance is extremely urgent and all-important and humanity has no time for revolutions and experiments. Moreover, it is a totally illusion that left governments are more ecologically minded, on the contrary : the programs of the so called Green parties are totally contradictory to the absolute necessities listed here : pro immigration ( which induces highest birth rates in the home countries) versus  world population stabilisation, an increase in consumption versus consumption decrease, anti nuclear energy versus pro nuclear energy, hugh deficit spending versus non deficit spending, maximisation of public tasks versus minimalisation of public tasks, overall citizen laxity versus maximal citizen discipline, minimum educational levels versus highest educational levels.
  17. Raising awareness and mobilisation of the public : it is far more preferable to inform the people gradually that this is a catastrophe (a CO2 catastrophe), than having an irrational reaction because of the unsupportable heat and devastating droughts ( our assessment : I exspect a global panic in 2030 because of the  the unsupportable heat and devastating droughts).
  18. An international stop on launching missiles.
  19. The development of a system that captates ans stores CO2 on industrial level.
  20. The isolation of the arctic tundra.
  21. Avoiding a global war at all cost : countries go to war when their essential interests are in danger : a global war however would mean the kiss oof death for the world of men, because gigantic and uncontrolable amounts of CO2 output will be the result.
  22. Stopping and postponing all conflicts untill the CO2 equilibrium has been achieved.

If these absolute necessities can not be met, there is no solution for the CO2 catastrophe and the world of men will disappear (together withe all non primitive animals and plants).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             But there is some hope : the corona crisis has shown us that what was previously impossible (eg the home work of residential employees) can be implemented at once. It has also shown that the world can slacken down pace. The corona crisis has shown us equally that the only realistic distribution of the global CO2 budget must start from the CO2 economic lock down output, increased by the remaining possible CO2 output (this method avoids that everybody remains in his comfortable non-agreement modus, going on with business as before).

The remaining time for the world  to solve the CO2 catastrophe is very short : the gigantic CO2 buffer of the oceans is saturated, so the oceans can't take up more CO2 any more and the increase of the global temperature wil speed up considerably in the years to come.

The need for alternatives or solutions


-30 %, unless ….