Beliefs and mission


It’s all about the temperature, stupid !

  • CO2 is an item difficult to grasp for the average person : hard to quantify by other persons than experts and it doesn'tv appeal to people : it has always been there, why should we worry about it ? It is a concept that opponents of the CO2 catastrophe easily can bring down and allows for interpreting, discussion and denial.
  • The result however, the global rise of temperature (and the drought associated with it) appeals to humans instinctively : human beings realise quite easily that temperature can't rise forever and that many parts of the country will become uninhabitable because of unsustainable temperatures or because food production will become impossible because of shortage of water.

Time Left

  • We believe that 30 years are left for action in order to achieve the necessary goals in the different subdomaines and in order to achieve the ultimate goal (themperature stability : no more themperature increase globally, co2 output (by humans AND by nature)= co2 consumption ), after which things will become out of control and would become irreparable. So the generation of 2050 would bet he last generation of humans. ( a mistake of 30 years ? What the hell ! It’s about the mechanism !)

A 30 year time table would mean a global decrease of co2 of 3 % yearly of the ∆ between co2 ouput (by humans AND by nature) and co2 consumption.

The only one chance ( one shot ) opportunity (Strategy)

  • The very short time left means that only a one shot fundamental action will be necessary : hesitation and reluctance or half-measures would be catastrophic. 

National Security

  • Many people think that an uncontrolled contunuing global temperature rise is actually the mean internal and external thread for natual security for most countries. The belief that in due time a military solution fort he problem will be sufficient could mean the final catastrophe due to the uncontrolled release of co2 in war time.
  • A solution without engagement of the big 3 (USA, China and Russia) will be impossible : a lack of engagement of these countries would mean the unspeacable in due time.


Our mission is

  1. to increase the awereness of the impossibilitie of ever increasing temperatures for human survival;
  2. to provide insight into the absolute necessities for any chance of succes
  3. to provide insight into the necessary actions
  4. to provide insight into the obstacles
  5. to provide insight into the current conclusions based on the actions taken