What can we do?


1) Avoid air travel in all conditions : the air industry is a suicidal industry.

2) Stop heating with fossil fuels (gas and fuel oil) or with wood (wood is the only form of temporary storage of CO2 : this storage of CO2 is a temporary removal from the atmosphere (some decades) : this removal of CO2 from the athmosphere should be as long as possible by avoiding burning of wood: only heat with electricity (nuclear energy = CO2 neutral) and geothermal heat;

3) stop cooking with fossil fuels (gas) : only cook with electricity (nuclear energy = CO2 neutral)

4) Holidays : travel by train only ( trains run on electricity and electricity produced by nuclear installations is CO2 neutral; holiday journeys must be done with electrical cars or by train;

5) Food : avoid eating food transported by planes or food from far countries (transported by trucks / more than 200 miles away), unless by train; heavy taxation should prohibit transportation by plain or long distance trucks;

6) Transportation : all cars by petrol or diesel engines must disappear : only electrical cars or hydrogen cars;

7) Drinking water : avoid bottled water : all drinking water obligatory tap water, bottled water forbidden;

8) The consumer boycot of all Brasilian products because of the gigantic criminal destruction of the Brasilian rainforest : make Your government to require the indication of the country of origin on consumer goods, so that consumers can boycot criminal countries.

9) Buy as much as possible reusable packaging and recoverable materials : the garbage that is deposited in the waste bag will be burned, which gives a considerable amount of CO2 output.

10) Paticipate in the greening (massive tree planting) of the planet ; demand your government to give free the public domain in this matter : this will allow the participation of the public at the most (governments don't have the means and man power to undertake this huge mission; a simple authorisation of the relevant authority per case should ensure the necessary organisation.

Please don't wait for Your government for action : every improvement You make , gives more time to Your government and to the world to become to become aware of the CO2 catastrophe and to (finally) take action. It is after all very late ( My estimation : we have 30 years left (starting in 2020) to reach a CO2 balance : during this 30 years, (the human and natural) CO2 emissions should drop yearly by 3 % of the CO2 level above the CO2 balance. You can follow Yourself very easily the outcome : if the temperature keeps rising, we are still not in CO2 balance. On the contrary, we have to say that , instead of taking measures to reduce CO2 emissions, man has continued certain self-destructive measures (the massive destruction of the tropical rainforests at a greater speed) have been even expended.

I can tell you my own experience as a gardener : in 5 years time , in my own region (Flanders in Belgium) we passed from climate zone 7b (winter temperatures from - 15 °C) to climate zone 8b ( some winterdays : - 5 °C and that's all).


1) Limit the number of children per family : only 1 or 2 children per family this is of the greatest importance).

2) Required work at home for sedentary employees

3) A quick transformation of the vehicle fleet in electric cars ( cofinancing by the government) and in a very short time the ban on non-electric transportation.

4) Privatise government services at the most : government services are often the opposite of efficient organisations : very often uncontrollable, with no responsability, very inefficient. The society that has to achieve the transformation into a CO2 equilibrium society shall have to be very efficient (a great deal of work shall have to be done in a short time), 

5) The ban on cleaning products that produce NH3.

6) Require the indication of the country of origin on consumer goods in order to enable the consumer to boycot the products of criminal countries.

7) All cleaning products should be NH3 free.

8) Redirect the classical budget of classical nature conservation ( biodiversity, the 'hobby appoach' of classical nature conservation (the counting of sparrows by the public, the counting of butterflies by the public) : despite the great importance of these matters, they are in importance nothing compared to the climate crisis and the survival of humanity (or a part of it).

9) Packaging : the burning of the huge waste mountain gives a gigantic unneccesary CO2 output : this can be easily avoided by introducing a ban on non recyclable or non reusable packaging. Unneccessary packiging of non food products and double packaging (a package in a package) should be forbidden; the packaging of individual food should be forbidden.The hygiene standards should be downsised in order to limit the packaging.

10/) The natural transformation of biological CO2 incorporations (wood, dead bodies) should be delayed as much as possible : a total ban on the burning of wood and of the cremation of dead bodies.

11) The purging and replacement of non necessesary gooeds : eg the ban on tombstones (elimination of the transport and the replacement of tombstones by wooden elements.

12) The total ban on plain travels by public servants : plain travels must be replaced by video conferences.


1) A heavy taxation of plane travel ( so that only 5 % of the present air passengers can afford an airplane trip).

Global problems (the CO2 catastrophe) need global solutions : 

2) Pulling channels from the oceans throughout the great desserts (USA, Sahara, Australia, Patagonia, Kalahari, ......) making extra sea surface and thus creating supplementary plankton and making the banks greener : this creates a supplementary storage of CO2.

3) In the oceans plankton converts CO2 into oxygen : this plankton is mainly present near solid objects ( the ocean shores) : the further away from the ocean shores, the less plankton there is. So there are gigantic parts of the oceans without plankton.  By creating extra solid mass far away from the shores, the amount of plankton can be increased enormously.

4) The isolation of the tundra : a monumental job, but I can not find another solution to the defrost of the tundra (putting enomous quantities NH3, the other global warming gas,  into the atmosphere).

5) The expulsion of Brazil from the international community because of the criminal destruction of the Amazon Rainforest and the installation of a pariah status.

6) The country, under which flag a ship is flying, must compensate the damage caused by an ecological disaster. Ecological disasters in international waters must be compensated to the UN ( an ecological disaster must always be compensated).


It is high time that the world get mobilised  : a campaign of international artists comparable to 'USA for Africa' is very much needed : perhaps a local start van be the spark that ignites the fire.


- Produce consumer goods as much as possible in bulk quantities, packed in reusable packaging.


- One of the most pressing new applications of exiting technologies that we need is a cooking device using solar energy : the need for hundreds of millions people in rural areas to use wood for cooking will disappear.

- We very urgently need an isolation product that can isolate the tundra and adjecant sea floor to stop the imense production of methane in these areas.