The CO2 Catastrophe or The Human Survival Question or the question of the survival of the current generation (the age of 60 or younger) of humans

The CO2 problem ( we rather speak about the question of the survival of the current genetion  (the age of 60 or younger) of humans , because that's what it is. It can also be called the human survival question or the CO2 catastrophe, because it is the the biggest challenge and threat for humanity, see further in the website) began 25 years ago (1990 's) , when it appeared that the Russian tundra started to thaw  resulting from the increase in global temperature.  We were extremely alarmed about the consequences (this thawing can be considered as an unquenchable fire) and we took some initiatives. The time just wasn't right. In 1989, Time Magazine appointed The Earth 'Planet of the Year : endangered Earth' Other magazines followed, but generaly speaking, the opponents of getting the problem on the agenda (the people who consider money (as well the entrepreneurs (especially the oil industrie and the car industrie) as the representatives of workers and servants) or who consider their own very little world far more important than the survival of humanity) managed to hide the problem for 25 years.  25 years later, the time still isn't right for most people ( some people even still question the problem nowadays).  
This website was created to inform people and to intensify the awareness of this enormous challenge and to provide solutions. It is also aimed to inform entrepreneurs and the public about the measures that sooner or later will have to be taken : it's not a question of when : it's a question : will we be in time ? (we have great doubts !).

This website states that the solution of the CO2 catastrophe  must be given absolute priority over all other 'problems' :                                         - the overall global economy can't decide over the global CO2 output, but the global CO2 equilibrium of our planet must dictate  the maximum allowed and possible global level of the overall global economy ( the global CO2 budget, to be apportioned among the countries;                                                                                                  - the gross domestic poduct of a country can't decide over the CO2 output of a country , but the CO2 budget of a country determines the gross domestic product of a country;                                                            -  the individual material demands of a person can't decide over his CO2 output (the individual CO2 budget), but the individual CO2 budget determines the allowed level of individual demands.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Note : in order not to make things not more complicated, when we speak of the CO2 catastrophe, we actually mean the CO2 / methane catastrophe.)

This all makes clear that every person, besides personal his money budget, obtained by his output in society, also has a personal CO2 budget to respect. So the monetary system shall have to be dual : a traditional monetary system for the traditional material output in society and a CO2 monetary system. Both monetary systems can't be contradictory to each other, but must support each other. The veracity of both systems shall have to make his entrance : the ending of financial and budgetary pipe dreams and castles in the air !

Please note that all observations, remarks and assessments were made purely fot the purpose of resolving the CO2 catastrophe and don't imply the judgement of anyone or anything else : our only concern is overcoming the challenge of the CO2 catastrophe, the biggest challenge in human history.

Time has become very short ( we lost 25 most valuable years, cause to irrational resisance) and the road to go very long. Each necessary measure you have voluntered to implement (see chapter 'what will be necessary' and chapter 'what can you do ') gives the world more time to solve this catastrophe; every big stupidity regarding CO2 (e.g. taking a plane)  shortens the time left for the world to become fully aware of the catastrophe and to solve the catastrophe. It is of course up to You to accept some major changes in Your way of life : if we don't succeed, the outcome is terrible and indescribebly : the disappearance of mankind.

This website contains some specific points, which can be implemented by everyone : as already said, this will give the world some more time to become fully aware and to solve the disaster and we are quickly running out of time.

Everybody is absorbed by his obligations regarding his family, his friends and his job : the concern with CO2 shall have to occupy a supplementary central place in ones life and in ones every day preoccupations and decisions, because of his utmost importance and because ofb the consequences in case of failure.

This website is also a plea for patience and for understanding of the measures that will be taken by Your government regarding CO2. It is also a plea for step up Your government into action regarding the CO2 disaster : up till now, they are very low indeed. Our model of society shall have to be rearranged completely : responsibility, sense for work, sincerity, priority for the general interest and discipline shall have to be implemented until the disaster is solved. We are in nothing less than a war modus : a life and death struggle.

This website must be upsetting, because it interferes with your personal business, which normally no one has business with and because it affects Your gains and Your ways of living; this website shall make You feel that it asks You to deprive Yourself.

May we ask You ,when You are overflowing the necessities (see chapter  'what will be necessary' and chapter 'what can you do ') and when accepting an opinion and when taking an attitude, for thinking about Your children and about Your grandchildren and /or about Yourself, If You are less than 60 years.

Even if everybody is convinced of the absolute necessity to deal with the CO2 catastrophe and even if we all are prepared to do release the necessary funds and to do what is necessary, the task will be exceptionally precarious: the 13 impossibilities stand in the way of success

(1) India : exceptionally sloppy, without any global responsibility regarding all possible areas, on its own being enough to make the CO2 catastrophe fail

(2) USA : very antisocial, no global morality, extremely egocentric, no real experience in limitations, no will to limitations

(3) Russia : an history of exclusively central government, local feedback without any importance, only the central power struggle interests those in power

(4) China : the most hopeful superpower, but uncertainty about the will of the Party to stop temporarely the growth model and to stop temporarely the expansionism ?

(5) Europe, Australia, Canada,... : swimming in luxury, even more each year,door gebruik te maken van een vals financieel model, let alone of which no cent can be letting go  and swimming in laziness

(6) the hijacking of the Green idea by the so called 'green'parties, who are in fact not green at all but extreme left,in order to realise their extreme left political programme (the Green idea is only facade)

(7) the hijacking of the society by crime organisatons

(8) the unsatisfactory development by the human race of moral, intelllectual and social qualities to act in mutual self-interest to tacle an enormous planetarian, all life devastating  threath

(9) a major part of the positions of power is taken by ego trippers, psychopaths or cowards

(10) the period in which humanity the CO2 catastrophe can manage comes to an end : the catstrophe can not be averted any more because of the laws of physics and of chemistry

(11) the most deadly sentence : we only live once.

(12) The power struggle on global level, which prevents reflection on common interests

(13) the impossibility to create a non materialistic growth model

What can we do?

What can You do?
What can Your government do?
What can the International community do?